Monday, November 28, 2016

Nathan + Kailtian | A Wedding to Remember

The day was still young when Kaitlin began getting ready for her wedding day. Light crept through the windows as hair was done and makeup applied, and giggles mingled out from various rooms as everyone got ready. She moved about with a smile on her face, laughing with friends and chatting about life. The day had come.

From there, the day picked up as more and more things gained speed. Dress was put on, then photos were taken, out in that little space by the trees. Nathan waited and scurried around, trying not to bump into his bride before their ceremony. Both excited, both smiling, both in love. It was plain to see.

And then, it was time. Time for everything that had been planned to come to it's highest point, time for those who came to congregate and see two people in love joining together, time to walk down the isle, time to smile and laugh and cry. The doors opened, she stepped out and glided down the isle with her dad, and Nathan watched as his little angel came to meet him.

It was time.

And so they were married, the wait was over, the time had come and it was magical. They did so in their home church, surrounded by those who love them so, so much. We saw a marriage bound by the love of Christ, and what a blessing it was to see that their love for each other was rooted in their heavenly Father.

It was also an absolute blessing to photograph these special people, capturing their love for one another in small moments and big ones. I found it almost a sacred time when I had them all to myself for awhile. We walked around in the setting sun, stood in the middle of a road, timing the photos with the passing cars, and we were even visited by some horses who heard there was a wedding that day, just wanting to pop in and say hello. Yes, one of them tried to eat my hand, but they posed well, so it was all good.

I felt as if I was simply following a love story, stopping ever so often to frame some prose under that tree or over there by that fence. It was practically effortless when posing these two. Many times I simply looked down at my camera to change a setting after generally placing them, only to find that their emotion had taken them away when I raised my head, their story sweeping them away with it's gentle words and precious narrative.

Their day was magical, and I couldn't believe how special it was. Their marriage is a testament to Christ's love and what an honor it was to photograph a couple who serve their Father as husband and wife.

Nathan and Kaitlin, thank you. For your love, for asking me to take photos of your day, and for your love of Christ.

It was, truly, a magical day.

*To see even more photos, you can click here*



  1. Wonderful post!! Seriously loved the pictures. The couple looks really good together. Loved the photo shoot too. The arrangements are awesome. Want to arrange my sister’s wedding at one of wedding venues Chicago. Planning to hire wedding planner too. In order to make her tremendous day best one.

    1. Thank you so much for saying so! I wish you all the luck!
